African Connections

Our project aims to research and record the families from West Africa who settled in Britain prior to the first world war and later. We believe this community’s history is in danger of being lost and we aim to record as much as we can.

The men pictured, largely worked on Elder Dempster Lines which sailed from Sierra Leone to Liverpool. Many of the men walked from Liverpool to Newport and Cardiff in search of work. Their families are largely connected in some way whether it be in West Africa or in Britain. Many of the men pictured here served in both wars in the Merchant Navy. Many who left at a young age died at sea and their families never knew what happened to them. The same can be said for the men who settled and married in the UK with many not having a headstone or known grave.

Our intention is to collate what information is available so that families can reconnect with their Ancestry once again.

We offer a research service for those who want to know more about their own families’ history. Please do get in touch if you have a relative or family friend that you would like to know more about or would like to add to our project. Quite often a name is all we need.

Many thanks to those who have supported the project. Click each image and hold the cursor on top for further information.

These Images are Copyrighted and may not be used without permission from the Copyright holder. Copyright is of the following:

Crown Copyright at The National Archives, Historic Dock Project, Glamorgan Archives and Liverpool Maritime Museum. Please contact us regarding further information on availability, we welcome all enquiries.

Our Publication on this Migration Story titled ‘African Connections: The Seamen who came to Wales’, is available for Purchase from ourselves or

Our Book, African Connections: The Seamen who came to Wales is now available. Please contact us for more information, alternatively it is available on Amazon

African Seamen in Britain


John Cole-1891. Listed Birth, Sierra Leone. Dis. A. Number 957275

Tom Davis-1890. Listed Birth, Sierra Leone. Dis. A. Number 957398-(Kru)

Soloman Joseph Gembe-1896-1964

John ‘Seasay’ Samuels-1926-2021 (Limba)

James ‘Owegbi’ Williams-1880

Jacob John Johnson-1892-1954 (Kru)

Thomas Smith-1893

Joseph Mendi-1884-1923

Thomas Williams

Tom Toby

Stanley Ekeng Henshaw-1942-2017

John Roberts-1892

John Roberts-1896

George Hemmic-1894

John Shilling-1898

Daniel Smart-1898

John Davies-1897

James Samuel Boyd-1898-1941

Benjamin Johnson-1892-1961 (Kru)

Tom Glasgow-1890/1896-1955

Sekon Camora (Frenchy)-1892-1973-Dis.A-957404

John ‘Reecy’ Glasgow-1898

Texas Brown-1897

Charles Brown-1895

George Smith-1891

Jacob Brown-1900

Walter Brown-1893. Listed Birth, Sierra Leone. Dis A. number-938099

Wilson Brown

James Watts-1890

James Payne-1891

Charles David-1889

Tom Savage-1895

Tom Savage-1888-1919-Died at 3, George Street Newport. June 1919 (Death registered the morning of the Race Riot).

Tom Savage-1891-1940-Lived in Charles Street, Newport.

Tom Savage

Tom Savage

Jack Savage-1894/96-1943. Moved to Cardiff. Dis. A number-973382

Tom Bestman-1890/92. Listed Birth, Sierra Leone. Dis. A number-329525

William Clark

Wyman Morris-1894

Patrick Galland-1891

Jack Pursor (Prosser)-1896

Joe/Joseph Ellis-1891

Jack Harris-1897

Jim Jock/Jack-1889. Listed Birth, Sierra Leone. (Kru). Dis. A. Number-305095

John Dixon-1898. Listed Birth, Sierra Leone. (Kru). Dis. A. Number-330109

Toby Jackson-1897. Listed Birth, Sierra Leone. Dis A. Number-366808

Sibol/Sobol Sunday-1888-26/09/1940. Listed Birth, Sierra Leone. Blu Mark on Forehead (possibly Kru). Dis. A. Number-301712

Percy Samuel White-1894

Charles Morris-1879

John Brass-1891

Patrick Williams-1886

George Leslie

Benjamin Yalley-1892. Listed Birth, Cape Coast. Dis. A. Number-885391

Jim Mannay-1892/93. Listed Birth, Sierra Leone. (Kru). Dis. A. Number-330097

Jim Johnson

Thomas Newman-1889

Peter Allan/Allen-1899

John Issacs-1895

George Roberts-1888


John Africa-1895-1940. Listed Birth, Sierra Leone. Death, S.S. Treganna.

Soloman Bell-1897. Listed Birth, Sierra Leone. Dis. A. Number-R95892. Tribal Marks on Forehead, Bangle on right arm.

Abraham Emanuel Bright. 1899-1954. Listed Birth, Sierra Leone. Dis. A. Number- 853875. Interned at Milag Nord following capture on board S.S. Trelawny

Joe Brown

James Boyle-1887-1917

Sam Elliot-

Jacob Enfield-1895-1967. Listed Birth, Sierra Leone,

George Glasgow-1902. Liberia.

Sunday Ewake/Ekwikake Dennis-1913-2001

Lewis De Souza-1881

Tom Dixon-1884-1940. Listed Birth, Sierra Leone. Death, S.S. Treganna. Dis. A Number 967552

Jim Doe (Daddy Doe)-1887-1957.

Benno Johnson

George Reeves-1892-1941

George Wilson

Sobo Doe (William Pratt)-1900-1921

Jim Sapol/Sapoe Mannay-1893-1951 (Kru). Listed Birth, Sierra Leone. Known Origin, West Coast of Liberia. Dis. A Number-955476

Samuel Walker-1879-1940. Listed Birth, West Africa. Death, S.S. Treganna

Jonathan Williams-1888

John Bull-1892-1918

Thomas Ingram-1880

Thomas Ingram-1895

Jeremiah Mbakwe-1897. Birth Listed, Nigeria.

Alfred J Mendi-1890-1956

Joe Mendi-1885-1941

Joe Mendi-1897-1949

Joe Mendi-1895

Joseph Mendi-1886-1971

Joseph Mendi-1883-1941

Jim Manny-1887

James Manny-Listed on Electoral Register as living with Jim Sapoe Mannay and others. possibly same Jim Manny as Dis. A. Number 915883, whose image with address is listed above.

James Manny Junior- As above

Philpot Williams-1898-1957

Setta Kru-1885-1918

John Liverpool-1890-1917

Tom Glasgow-1883

Ben Roberts-1894

Tom Davies-1898-1918

Tom Toby-1896-1918

Robert Wilson-1898

Festus Hermick-1872-1932

John Davies-1899

Issac Freeman-1892 Grand Bassa, Liberia. Dis. A.-695336.

Joe Hinton-1882-1917

Thomas Rodgers-1896-1918

John Henry Boston-1893/1896-1973. Freetown. Sierra Leone. (Soso).

John Smith Davids-1899-1967

John Davis Freeman-1891

Walter French-1900 (Owner of Frenchy’s Annexe)

Sam Walker-1889-1917, Killed by explosion on S.S Harmattan

Tom Williams-1893-1917

William Toby-1875/1880-1934. Dis.A. 453326. William Died at Sun City Studios while filming Sanders of the River.

Raymond L Remilekun Floode-1924

Joe Brown Coker

‘John’ Doe Wesley-1914

Vandi Joseph

James Roberts-Returned to Sierra Leone to Die there.

James Pratt-1886-1917

Christian Johnson-

Jim Doe-1893/95

Jim Doe(1)-1882

Jim Doe(2)-1879

Henry Bassey-

John Cole-1895-1918

Sam Williams-1896-1917

Samuel Dixon-

William Ogboo (Ogoo)-1841

James Nicolas-1892-1949

John Smith-

Joe Johnson-1886-1917

Thomas Sango/e-

John Sango-1876. Dis.A-297162

John Sango-1891/92. Dis.A-917550

John Sango-1893

John Sango-1895. Dis. A-847457-Perished in 1942 on Ocean Vanguard. (Also present was John Sango- Dis.A-917550)

Thomas (Tom) Toby-1898

Nathaniel Thomas Macauley-1867/9

James Coker-1885-1917

John Johnson-1890-1917

Jonathan Thomas

Joseph Bailey-1900-1927

Thomas Lee-1883

John Bull-1889-1918

John Peter-1874-1917

Moses Davies-1896

H Johnson-1894-1915

John Saugo-1888

Fine Boy-1896-1917

G A Bangaray-1893-1917

James Cole-1890-1917

J. Sampson-1884

Peter Johnson-1880

Peter Link-1877/79-1941 (Great Uncle to Benjamin Johnson and Jim Sapoe Mannay)

‘Tappa’ Try Best

Ed Jackson-1884

S. McCauley-1885

Jim Lewis-1874

Jim Gander-1875

John Sango-1872

Stephen Robinson-1872

Thomas Tobey-1881

Thomas Peter-1884

John Roberts-1978

Thomas Tobie-1875

John Hogan-1900-1941

James Hardy-1882-1841

Cebo Johnson-1926-1955

Mclean G Johnson-1890-1936

Charles Kingston-1894-1961

Samuel ‘Sami’ John-1886-Dis. A No-556656

James Watson

Thomas (Jazz Band) Walker-


William Brown-1892-1942

James G Faulkner-1868

Joseph George-1909-1941

David Jackson

John Thomas-1868

T. Williams-1891-1918


Thomas Bassey-1903-1959

Davies Nagba Harrison-1894

Peter Johnson

John Thomas-d1917

George Silvanus Smith-1888

Matheyeh Elliot-


Meta Tom (Tom) Jasper-1896-1964. Chairman of Manchester Kru Club


William A George-1864


Thomas Richmond-1799


Isaac Peppell-1888-1917

John Thomas-1885-1917- Buried in Glanadda Cemetery, Bangor.

Milford Haven

John Myers-1894-1915


Calypso & Coal


Newport Race Riots 1919